AI: Who will be the leader?
The artificial intelligence race has begun.
Today, Bloomberg announced that OpenAI is in talks with investors, intending to attract $100bln investments.
If it does work, OpenAI will take the second place among startups in terms of attracted investments, behind only SpaceX.
OpenAI has made a serious bid for leadership. It looks like an epic artificial intelligence race is ahead of us.
In general, the theme of AI is extremely topical. There are many concerns about it, including predicting the coming apocalypse. I believe that the creation of Skynet from the world of Terminator is still very, very far away.
We now use the term "artificial intelligence". In a way, it’s misleading, making you imagine some intelligent machine, a real supermind. In fact, "artificial intelligence" is a technical term for a particular set of characteristics of a software product.
What is being developed is not an imitation of human thinking. In any case, so far it is a program able to quickly find data relevant to the task and compile from them the solution most corresponding to the goal.
This, by the way, is an extremely difficult and worthy task. But whether algorithms to solve it resemble the human type of thinking is a big question.
In any case, the speed of development of AI is impressive. It really very soon will have a significant impact on all aspects of our lives.
We see calls to limit and even prohibit the development of artificial intelligence. I believe that this is an irrational fear of new technologies. When electronic calculators appeared, in some schools children were forbidden to use them - so that they did not forget to make calculations on the slide ruler (I’m afraid that not everyone imagines this mechanical device).
The ban is unlikely to be effective. But it makes sense to provide safety mechanisms like an emergency shutdown. After all, even a harmless calculator can break and shock its host.
#AILeadershipRace #OpenAIInvestments #FutureofAI #EthicalAI #AIDevelopmentConcerns
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