This mistake is passed on from generation to generation
Imagine you have a significant amount of money, for example, a million dollars. How would you use them? Many will spend it on current needs: paying off loans, buying a car, going on vacation, someone will make repairs at home. But only a few will think about starting a business to ensure a stable income.
I analyze and think a lot. And I noticed the following pattern: when you are young, money is spent on the wrong things - now it could be a telephone, tomorrow a watch, and the day after tomorrow a TV.
Then comes the turn of something else. After each purchase, it turns out again that there is not enough money and you are forced to start saving again. This process is repeated again and again until the age comes when you realize that your income has dropped sharply and there are practically no savings.
It's time to break this vicious circle and start creating capital that will work for you. By allocating even small amounts, you can provide yourself with income and financial freedom in the future. Moreover, you can become an example for your children and grandchildren by showing them how to manage money correctly.
Look at our community, everyone here has reached a certain level and hasn’t stopped. Just ask each other for advice - it's that simple!
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