Experts Anticipate Weak Demand for $SOL ETFs – What Is the Reason?

Though crypto ETFs were highly anticipated in the crypto sphere, some institutions voiced skepticism regarding the institutional demand for this asset. BlackRock, in particular, assessed its chances carefully and then Sygnam Bank expressed the same view in its assessment. Katalin Tischhauser, Sygnum’s Head of Investment Research, highlighted “miniscule” demand for Grayscale’s SOL investment fund. He notes that investors have not shown as much interest in or committed as much capital to the Solana Trust (GSOL) as expected. GSOL currently manages less than $70 million in assets. He compares it with $30 billion the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) managed at its peak, underscoring the Solana Trust's lower significance in terms of investor interest and capital allocation. 

I think this disparity is easily explained. Bitcoin is far more established and widely recognized among institutional investors, whereas Solana, despite its technological advantages, remains relatively lesser-known. As a result, Solana and similar assets may struggle to attract the same level of institutional capital.

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